About Us & Our Downtown
The City of Three Rivers Downtown Development Authority (DDA) was established in 1980 in accordance with Michigan Act 197 of 1975. The basic purpose of this Authority is to reestablish and maintain the vitality of the historic downtown area of our City. The DDA district encompasses approximately 225 properties.
The objectives of the DDA are to recruit new businesses, rehabilitate buildings, expand parking, strengthen public participation, and make the downtown a destination, a fun place to visit.
Projects completed for the 2019/2020 fiscal year include the East Alley Project which was in partnership with the MEDC and Patroncity Grant (Public Spaces – Community Places). The East Alley Project converted the existing east parking lot walkthrough to a public, vibrant, outdoor space with bistro seating, market lights, art and staging for live music. The total project cost was $50,000.00 with $25,000 being raised by crowdfunding and a $25,000 match from MEDC.
Several successful events took place including Sass in the City, Upstairs Downstairs Tour, HarmonyFest, Adult Halloween Crawl, Christmas Around Town and Midnight on Main. Estimated event attendance was 3100 people.
Projects still underway for the 2019/2020 fiscal year include a Dog Park located near Memory Isle Park (total project cost $20,000) and the establishment of a Retail Recruitment Grant in the amount of $18,000 to attract and diversify new retail on Main Street. The Board continues to employ a full time Director and pays a debt service on the East Alley Parking Lot.
The Three Rivers Downtown Development Authority exists to create an environment within the District to inspire public and private investment; to attract and provide local residents a vibrant space to explore; and to foster and strengthen connections between city government and local businesses to boost commerce in the District. The DDA further seeks to maintain our distinctive sense of community while enhancing our Main Street atmosphere.
DDA Partners
The Three Rivers Downtown Development Authority works with a variety of different local organizations, including:
The Three Rivers Downtown Development Authority is part of the Michigan Main Street program and the National Main Street center, which exist to help communities find the tools and resources they need to bring vibrancy to their historic downtowns.
First begun by the National Trust for Historic Preservation in the 1970s, its goal was to help people to advocate for historic buildings in traditional city and town centers. Its leaders quickly realized that when downtown buildings are commercially viable, they not only survive, but they thrive. Old buildings in walkable downtowns, in fact, are ideal to support the kinds of businesses that attract communities and their visitors alike.
Good, unique restaurants, specialty shops, and themed venues and attractions that reinforce and promote local character have proven successful over and over again at resurrecting formerly-forlorn downtowns all across the United States; Main Street’s program is full of success stories in cities and towns that have used downtown revitalization to redirect and re-energize the fortunes of entire communities and even regions.
Three Rivers is proud to be a Select Level Main Street community. Begun in 2014, this five-year designation provides us an intensive level of guidance and resources from state and national-level staff. It has allowed us to gather market and demographic data, professionally evaluate our assets and strengths, and develop a careful strategy for recruiting businesses that will generate foot traffic and make a name for our city in arts, entertainment, dining, and outdoor recreation.
We’re starting to see some big results, and we are glad to have an opportunity like this: through Main Street, our hard work and dedication combines with the program’s professional guidance and structure to create an effective vision that is making a difference for Three Rivers!
The Three Rivers Downtown Development Authority exists to create an environment within the District to inspire public and private investment; to attract and provide local residents a vibrant space to explore; and to foster and strengthen connections between city government and local businesses to boost commerce in the District. The DDA further seeks to maintain our distinctive sense of community while enhancing our Main Street atmosphere.